Dressed as Santa Claus, Jack Skellington and his glow in the dark dog, Zero, gather around the Christmas tree. Will Jack steal the presents or will he be inspired by the giving season? The choice is left up to you in this charming figurine by Jim Shore.
- Introduced January 2021
- Jim Shore Disney Traditions Collection - The Nightmare Before Christmas "Decking the Halls" Zero Glows in the Dark
- Beautifully hand-painted and crafted from high-quality stone resin with intricate styling and attention to detail
- Jim Shore's unmistakable style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and European
- Packaged in individual box with photo on front
- 9.5 in H
- 10.8 in H x 5.5 in W x 7.48 in L